Caring for your Mah Jongg tiles

We get tons of questions about how to clean Mah Jongg tiles. Here we will share the only Where The Winds Blow approved way to clean your tiles and a list of cleaning methods we know have ruined tiles in the past.

Cleanse your tiles with a gentle wipe, we recommend baby wipes,

then dry them with a soft microfiber towel.


DON’T wash your Mah Jongg Tiles in a sink. Submerging Mah Jongg tiles in water could cause them to split and / or bleed paint.


DON’T wash your Mah Jongg Tiles in a bucket. Submerging Mah Jongg tiles in water could cause them to split and / or bleed paint.


DON’T wash your Mah Jongg Tiles in a dishwasher. Dishwashers are designed to get off food particles from kitchen utensils. We all have a fancy mug or two that is not dishwasher safe, consider your Mah Jongg tiles to be not dishwasher safe either. Submerging Mah Jongg tiles in water could cause them to split and / or bleed paint. 

NO DAWN (or any other harsh chemical cleaners)

DON’T wash your Mah Jongg tiles using ANY harsh chemicals, especially Dawn Dish soap. Dawn is primarily used to remove tough grease and is well known for removing oil from birds feathers.


DON’T leave your tiles in the car. Not only can the extreme temperatures in your car damage your tiles, but leaving anything in your car put you at risk of theft. We have heard this story too many times to count. If you are like me and have a hard time taking things inside (a fact my husband never fails to remind me of), we have a case on wheels so it’s easier to transport tiles.